Set out below are the business terms in which IMG Alchemy LTD., hereinafter referred to as ‘i-LASER,’ provides a service to its clients. Please ensure that you have fully read, understood, and accept all terms and conditions prior to booking a treatment. Upon choosing to proceed with treatment, clients herein adopt and agree to all terms and conditions:

Cancellation Policy:

1a. There is a 48-hour cancellation policy which clients accept upon booking their appointment. This is to allow sufficient time for the appointment slot to be offered to other customers.

1b. Clients are respectfully asked to adhere to the 48-hour cancellation policy. Any cancellation within 48 hours will result in the deposit being automatically redeemed.


2a. To secure an appointment, a non-refundable deposit is required, fully redeemable against the cost of treatment.

2b. When booking multiple sessions of the same treatment, a deposit is required for the first session. The deposit will roll over at each subsequent appointment and will be deducted from the cost of the final session.

2c. Any cancellation or rescheduling within 48 hours of the scheduled appointment will result in automatic redemption of the deposit.

2d. If clients fail to attend their appointment without providing 48 hours notice, i-LASER reserves the right to keep the deposit and charge an additional set-up fee of £75.

2e. If clients fail to attend a consultation without providing 48 hours notice, i-LASER reserves the right to keep the consultation fee and charge an additional £50 no show fee.

Consultations & Patch Tests:

3a. All new Laser treatments require a compulsory patch test at least 48 hours before the first treatment. A patch test is designed to allow the practitioner to see how the client’s skin reacts to certain settings, so if a potential adverse reaction occurs it may be detected before treating a full area.

3b. A patch test can indicate with high probability, but cannot conclusively determine reactions. Although rare, there may be a delayed or immediate reaction to any part of the procedure or any materials used. A patch test does not guarantee that the client will not have a reaction at any time after the treatment. The company / practitioner will not be responsible for any resulting reaction. The client acknowledges the risk of treatment upon requesting such service.

3c. The standard cost of a consultation is £25, fully redeemable against treatment should the client decide to proceed.

Aloe Vera Gel:

4a. All clients receiving any Laser/IPL treatment are required to purchase the recommended pure 99.9% organic Aloe Vera Gel in clinic (for £7.50) before their first treatment. This is to ensure correct aftercare is followed post treatment, as other Aloe Vera Gels on the market may contain other ingredients which could irritate the skin post treatment.

Pricing & Payments:

5a. Special offers cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer.

5b. All prices are subject to change without notice.

5c. All deposits, treatments, gift vouchers, and courses are non-refundable.

5d. If a client cancels with over 48 hours notice - any deposit, gift voucher or prepaid treatment is non-refundable, however the balance may be used towards an alternative treatment or products.

5e. Whilst every effort has been made to provide accurate and up-to-date information, occasionally, unforeseen errors can occur. In the event that a treatment is listed at an incorrect price due to a typographical, photographic, or technical error, i-LASER reserves the right to refuse or cancel any bookings placed for treatments listed at the incorrect price. Clients will of course have the opportunity to proceed with treatment at the correct price, if they so wish.


6a. For safety and insurance purposes, no one else is allowed in the room whilst a treatment is being performed - so clients must not bring anyone else with them to their appointment.

6b. Clients must ensure to arrange childcare if required, as children under 16 are not permitted on the premises.

6c. Clients are required to read and sign the relevant consent and medical forms prior to treatment. Treatment will not be provided without written consent. Clients are advised to bring reading glasses to their appointment if required.

6d. Clients are asked to provide details about their skin type and medical history. Clients must attest that all information is true and understand that their practitioner relies on this information to provide safe and effective treatment.

6e. It is the client’s responsibility to ensure that they provide all relevant medical history and medication details prior to each treatment. The company / practitioner will not be liable for any damage that occurs as a result of the client’s failure to disclose such details.

6f. Clients who experience any of the treatment contraindications or are below the age of 18 will not be treated under any circumstances.

6g. Practitioners always endeavour to run on schedule - however due to the nature of service provided, clients are politely advised to be mindful that occasionally appointments may run over time, resulting in delays. Delays cannot always be foreseen, however every effort will be made to give clients as much notice as possible in this event.

6h. Clients are politely asked to arrive at their appointment on time. Late arrival to appointments may result in a reduction in your treatment or forfeit of the appointment.

6i. In the event that a treatment cannot go ahead due to a client arriving too late, i-LASER reserves the right to keep the deposit and/or charge an additional £75 set up fee.

6j. There is no guarantee that treatment will be continued with a specific named practitioner - however any practitioner performing the treatment will be fully qualified to do so.

6k. Occasionally, appointments may need to be cancelled at short notice due to unforeseen circumstances, such as staff illness etc. In the event that an appointment needs to be cancelled, every effort will be made to inform the client with as much notice as possible. Treatments will be rescheduled at the next earliest availability.

6l. The practitioner will advise a minimum interval period between each session. Treatment will be performed no sooner than this minimum time period. This decision is made in the best interest of the client's health and safety.

6m. While there is a minimum interval period between treatments, it is important to note that there is no specified maximum time period. Waiting beyond the minimum recommended interval will not adversely affect the results achieved from previous treatments, nor will it hinder future results. Clients are encouraged to plan ahead and schedule appointments well in advance to secure their preferred time slots. In the event that an appointment is not available, and the client has to wait longer than the minimum advised time period, please be advised that no refunds or discounts will be issued, as this will not impact the effectiveness of the treatment.

Pre and Post Treatment Advice:

7a. Clients are informed of any preparation required prior to their appointment. It is the responsibility of the client to ensure that all pre and post treatment instructions advised by the practitioner are followed, in order to ensure the best possible results.

7b. Pre and post treatment advice may vary depending on the type of treatment and the area to be treated. All clients must ensure they have understood and followed the advice emailed to them upon booking, to ensure they are prepared for treatment.

7c. In the event that a client arrives for an appointment having not followed their pre-treatment guidance - this may result in the cancellation of the appointment, reduced treatment time, or additional fees being charged.

7d. Makeup must be completely removed before any treatment on the face. The practitioner will always cleanse and disinfect the treatment area at the beginning of each session. If a client arrives with makeup on, additional time will be required for makeup removal, potentially reducing the time spent doing the treatment.

7e. For Laser Hair Removal or Laser Tattoo Removal, it is essential to shave the treatment area within 24 hours before the scheduled session, ensuring it is hair-free. Failure to shave may result in refusal of treatment, or if the practitioner needs to shave the area, it could lead to a reduction in time spent performing the treatment.

7f. Before Laser Hair Removal, it is crucial not to remove hair from the root. Avoid methods such as waxing, hair removal cream, epilating, bleaching or tweezing, as these will render the treatment ineffective.

7g. Full pre and post treatment advice, relevant to the treatment booked, is emailed to the client upon booking. If a client has any questions regarding pre-treatment advice, they are encouraged to contact the clinic and check beforehand - to ensure all appropriate steps are followed well in advance of their appointment.

Medical History:

8a. If a client experiences any of the relevant treatment contraindications they will be refused treatment. Contraindication for Laser treatment include:

  • Under 18 years old

  • Heart Disease

  • Burns / Grafted Skin in the area to be treated

  • Liver or Kidney Disease

  • Hepatitis/HIV/Aids

  • Gold Injections

  • Haemophilia

  • Pregnant or Breastfeeding

  • Cancer within the past 6 months

  • Undergoing Radiation or Chemotherapy

  • Keloid Scar Formation

  • Epilepsy

  • Vitiligo

  • Lupus Disease

  • Shingles

  • Pacemaker

  • Clotting Disorders

  • Anticoagulant Medication

  • Roaccutane (Isotretinoin) Medication taken within the past 12 months. This is a prescription medication used to treat acne. This drug may impair the ability of skin to heal. Treatment should not be performed if an individual has been on this medication within the past 12 months. Individuals who are taking or have ever taken the drug must inform their doctor and practitioner prior to treatment.

  • Retin A Medication taken within the past 6 months

  • Photosensitive Medication taken within the past 6 months

8b. Upon requesting such service, clients herein declare that none of the above contraindications are applicable.

8c. Other medical conditions which are not already listed may require a Doctor’s letter before we can proceed with treatment - if required this will be advised by the practitioner at consultation. If a practitioner needs to verify your medical condition - a patch test will not be carried out until confirmed by a Doctor that it is safe to do so.

8d. It is the responsibility of the client to ensure their practitioner is made aware of any medical conditions / allergies / medication / previous reactions before agreeing to go ahead with treatment. Clients must also inform their practitioner should any of these factors change before continuing further treatment in the future.

8e. In the event that a client develops any medical contraindications before completing a course of treatment, further sessions cannot proceed. This decision is made in the best interest of the client's health and safety. Please note that no refunds will be provided for any treatments already carried out prior to this occurrence.

Informed Consent:

9a. Whilst the following information is not intended to cause alarm - there are potential risks and complications associated with all laser/SIPL procedures. Although rare, clients must fully understand the risks of treatment and potential complications.

9b. Clients will always have the opportunity to ask further questions and are given reasonable time to consider all aspects before their treatment is performed. It is the decision of the client to request and agree to such services being performed. By requesting such service, clients herein declare that they understand that other forms of treatment, treatment or no treatment are all choices that they have.

9c. The company / practitioner will not be held responsible if clients experience any adverse effects, reaction or infection. It is an accepted risk of treatment and of the healing period for which clients are responsible for adhering to. This also includes any loss of client earnings or additional costs incurred as a result of any adverse effects. By accepting these terms and conditions, the client and/or any representative will not pursue the company or practitioner in any means of compensation.

9d. Clients must inform the company/practitioner immediately if any adverse effects occur.

9e. Upon requesting such services clients accept the known risks of treatment, which include but are not limited to:

  • After any IPL/Laser treatment it is common for the area to feel slightly warm. It is also common to experience some redness, local swelling and mild tenderness. These symptoms may appear immediately or a few days after treatment. The use of 99.9 % Aloe Vera gel is recommended directly after treatment and for a further few days if necessary. This is available to purchase in the clinic. A sterile ice cold compress can be applied if the area feels hot or uncomfortable. If the area treated is sensitive, continue the aftercare advice for the next week.

  • Although infection following treatment is rare, there is a small risk that bacterial, fungal and viral infection can occur post treatment. Should any type of infection occur, additional medical treatments may be necessary, this includes but is not limited to; oral antibiotics, intravenous antibiotics and/or hospitalisation. If left untreated any form of infection can lead to additional complications, which include but are not limited to Septicaemia. Without timely treatment, Sepsis can rapidly lead to tissue damage, organ failure, and death. In the result of an infection, clients must seek immediate medical advice.

  • All practitioners follow strict infection prevention measures at all times. Aftercare instructions are also provided to help prevent infection. Throughout the treatment and upon leaving the clinic, the client’s treatment area is clean. It is the client’s responsibility to follow all aftercare instructions accurately to further prevent infection occurring once they have left the clinic.

  • Although rare, allergic reactions, including anaphylactic shock are possible. Anaphylaxis is a severe allergic reaction that is rapid in onset and may cause serious complications or death. In the result of an allergic reaction, clients must seek urgent emergency medical advice.

  • Herpes Simplex Virus Infections (cold sores) around the mouth can occur following a treatment. This applies to both individuals with a past history of Herpes Simplex Virus and individuals with no known history of Herpes Simplex Virus infections in the mouth area, additional treatments or medical antibiotics may be necessary. Valacyclovir may be prescribed and taken both prior to and following the laser procedure in order to suppress infection from this virus. You should inform your doctor and practitioner prior to treatment if you have any history of cold sores.

  • Although each treatment is highly effective in most cases, and normal healing after the procedure is expected - in rare cases unpredictable and abnormal skin irregularities can occur. This includes but is not limited to; scarring, keloid scarring, hyper or hypo pigmentation. Scars may be of a different colour and texture than the surrounding skin. The occurrence of this is not predictable and further treatments may be needed to address scarring.

  • Laser treatments may potentially change the natural colour of the skin. There is the possibility of irregular colour variation either lighter (hypopigmentation) or darker (hyperpigmentation), occurring within the skin. A line of demarcation between normal skin and skin treated with lasers can also occur. Laser treatment procedures may produce visible patterns within the skin. The occurrence of this is rare although not predictable. It is imperative that clients follow their pre and post treatment advice accurately to prevent the risk of pigmentation issues.

  • Laser energy can produce burns. Adjacent structures, including the eyes, may be injured or permanently damaged by the laser beam. Appropriate eye protection will be provided and must be worn during the entire procedure to avoid damage to the eye. Burns are rare yet can occur and may require additional medical procedures to treat.

  • Although rare, there is a theoretical risk that inflammable agents, hair, and clothing may be ignited by laser energy.

  • The sensation of the light may be uncomfortable and may feel like a pinprick or burst of heat. Very infrequently, chronic pain may occur after laser skin treatment procedures.

9f. There is the possibility that additional risks of laser skin treatments may be discovered. There are many variable conditions that influence the long-term result of laser skin treatments. Even though risks and complications occur infrequently, the risks cited are the ones that are particularly associated with these procedures.

9g. Other complications and risks can occur but are even more uncommon. Should complications occur, medical treatments may be necessary.

9h. Although good results are expected, there is no guarantee or warranty expressed or implied on the results that may be obtained.

Further Considerations For Consent:

10a. Clients must cooperate with the recommendations of the company / practitioner whilst under their care, realising that any lack of cooperation could result in less than optimum results.

10b. Clients are made aware of all risks/contraindications and will have the opportunity to ask questions to ensure they fully understand the treatment conditions and procedure.

10c. Clients must agree to pay in full for all services performed and understand that there will be no refunds for any performed services or uncompleted courses in any event.

10d. Although treatment is highly effective in most cases, no guarantee can be made that a specific client will benefit or how much they will benefit for a specific condition. Clients must acknowledge that no guarantee has been given as to the condition of the complexion, i.e. skin pore size, wrinkle reduction, tattoo removal, hair removal or the amount or percentage of improvement to be expected for them individually following treatment.

10e. Clients must acknowledge that for many situations more than one treatment may be required to achieve the desired result. A course of treatments and a suitable home care program is recommended for optimum results. No guarantee can be given or is implied as to how many sessions one individual is likely to require in order to achieve their desired result, due to the variable nature of the treatment.

10f. Photographic documentation will be taken of the treated area prior to and post each treatment - to be used for monitoring, documentational, educational and marketing purposes. Photos used in the public domain will be cropped to ensure that clients are not identifiable, unless prior permission is granted. Client names are confidential and are never published alongside or associated with any photograph.