Everything you need to know about ultrasound facials for skin tightening - Get The Gloss

Get The Gloss published a feature on 'Everything you need to know about ultrasound facials for skin tightening’ - featuring the CE Certified, Medical Grade Focus Dual device by Lynton that we proudly offer in clinic.

“Ultrasound facials are having their moment in the spotlight, and here are all the reasons why”

“Ultrasound facials aren’t new, but they are getting increasingly sophisticated and effective (and less painful). Brand-new machines such as Focus Dual are becoming the last word in lifting, tightening skin tech, with cosmetic physician Dr Sophie Shotter saying of the former: “Having a comfortable technology that can not only lift the face, but the delicate eye area as well, is an industry first.”

“With our focus shifting from our foreheads and lips to our jawlines, it’s no surprise the hunt has been on for tweakments to tackle the hardest-to-improve skin issue: facial sagging and jowls. And it seems that Jennifer Aniston and Kim K. may have been onto something with their early uptake of ultrasound facials for skin-tightening.”

Read the full feature here.


What is HIFU? Lynton Focus Dual - High Intensity Focused Ultrasound featured in Cosmopolitan


The power contouring combo: Lynton Focus Dual - Featured in The Evening Standard